Sell Your House Fast!
We Buy Houses in any Condition
No Realtor Fees
No Closing Costs
No Commissions
Close in as little as 7 days
No Repairs Required
Leave Anything Behind
Why Lighthouse Properties?
Guaranteed Close
If we come to agreement on price, we will always close. Many can't say the same...
Your Needs First
We work to understand why your need to sell your house and make sure those needs are met
No hidden costs, clear communication, fair negotiation. Period.
On Your Schedule
Close when you want, as fast or as slow as possible.
No Showings
No need to get the house clean for multiple showings
No Commissions
Since this will be done without realtors there are no commissions to give up
We will show you exactly how we came to our offer for complete transparency
No Repairs
We buy as-is no money for repairs required
Close When You Want
You pick the close date, as fast or as slow as you want
No Hassle
Our goal is a win-win situation. That means providing you with all we can for your success